miércoles, 25 de julio de 2007

Atargatis - Alba Gebraich EP

Atargatis - Alba Gebraich EP

1. Intro
2. Arthus Pendragon
3. At The End Of Time
4. Eternal Hero
5. The Battle

Here is the first material of Atargatis, an excellent gothic metal band... with the vocals of Stephanie Luzie (beauty!!!)
Recomended: All

martes, 17 de julio de 2007

Auracle - Crystal Lies/ Mythica - Confessions Of A Demi-God

Auracle - Crystal Lies
1. Crystal Lies
2. Land Of The Gods

Mythica - Confessions Of A Demi-God
1. Echoes Of Utopia
2. Confessions Of A Demi-God

Well, these two are demos from the same band xD, before and after their change of name
It's sad that this wonderful band hasn't made any full-lenght album yet... anyway, you can hear them in youtube... with the wonderful, hypnotizing... song "The Last Avatar"
Recomended: all from both demos
EDIT: the links will be putted later

martes, 10 de julio de 2007

Sunterra - Lost Time

Sunterra - Lost Time
1. Fields Of Pain
2. Lost Time
3. To A Friend
4. Out Of The Dark
5. Symbiose
6. Metamorphose
7. Silent Observer
8. Living Death
9. Thank You

well, here's a excellent work from the Gothic Metal band Sunterra
Recomended: Fields Of Pain, To A Friend, Thank You.

domingo, 8 de julio de 2007

Epica - The Divine Conspiracy

Epica - The Divine Conspiracy
1. Indigo - "Prologue"
2. The Obsessive Devotion
3. Menace Of Vanity
4. Chasing The Dragon
5. Never Enough
6. La'Petach Chatat Rovetz "The Final Embrace"
7. Death Of A Dream "The Embrace That Smothers-Part VII"
8. Living A Lie "The Embrace That Smothers-Part VIII"
9. Fools Of Damnation "The Embrace That Smothers-Part IX"
10. Beyond Belief
11. Safeguard To Paradise
12. Sancta Terra
13. The Divine Conspiracy

Recomended: ALL!!!

sábado, 7 de julio de 2007

Svald - Loyal(e) Mutinerie

Svald - Loyal(e) Mutinerie
1.La Reescape

3.Le Paravie
4.Le Quart D'Heure Loyal
5.Confus Nambulles
6.Entre Farce Et Gravité
7.La Douloureuse
8.La Colère Des Clowns
9.Mes Hommages

well, here is a excellent album of the french avant-garde metal band Svald
Recomended: La Reescape, La Colère Des Clowns, Le Paravie.

Astarte - Demonized

Astarte - Demonized
1. Mutter
2. God I Hate them All
3. Lost
4. Whispers of Chaos
5. Demonized
6. Lycon
7. Queen of the Damned
8. Heart of Flames (Burn)
9. God Among Men
10. Everlast
11. Black at Heart
12. Black Star
13. Princess of the Dawn
14. Everlast II (Phoenix Rising)
Recomended: Mutter, Demonized, Black At Heart (With Angela Gossow!!!)

Manticora - The Black Circus (I & II)

Manticora - The Black Circus - Part I: Letters
1. Enter the Carnival
2. The Black Circus
3. Intuneric I
4. Enchanted Mind
5. Intuneric II
6. Forever Carousel
7. Freakshow
8. Gypsies' Dance Part 1
9. Intuneric III
10. Wisdom
11. Intuneric IV
12. Disciples of The Entities

Manticora - The Black Circus - Part II: Disclosure
1. Entrance
2. Beauty Will Fade
3. Gypsies' Dance Part 2
4. Intuneric V
5. Haita Di Lupi
6. When The Soulreapers Cry
7. Intuneric VI
8. All That Remain
9. Intuneric VII
10. Of Madness In Its Purity

Well, here are two albums from the power metal band Manticora
the tracks in bold are my recomendations, hear them :p

viernes, 6 de julio de 2007

Celesty - Mortal Mind Creation

Celesty - Mortal Mind Creation

1. Lord Of Mortals
2. Unreality
3. Demon Inside
4. War Creations
5. Empty Room
6. Among The Dreams
7. Back In Time
8. Arrival
9. Last Sacrifice

A power metal album, very good, and the keyboard rules in many songs
Recomended: Empty Room, Unreality, Back In Time

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2007

Voyage - Embrace

Voyage (Later Within Temptation)- Embrace

1. Prologue
2. Alisius' Fall
3. Temptations
4. The Mirror
5. Frozen (Feat. Sharon den Adel)
6. King of Light
7. Embrace
8. Fauran Castle
9. Broken Silence
10. Epilogue

Hi there, well here is the Voyage album, some can say... "what is Voyage?", well Voyage is the band that gives birth to Within Temptation!
maybe some of you heard a song called Frozen, but not the Frozen from THOE, other Frozen... well i'ts a song of this album :)
Recomended songs: Frozen, Temptations, Fauran Castle and Alisius' Fall

lunes, 2 de julio de 2007

Dalriada - Kikelet

Dalriada (former Echo Of Dalriada) - Kikelet

1. Búcsúzó
2. Kikelet
3. Vándor-Fohász
4. Táltosének
5. Néma Harangok
6. Szentföld
7. Tqzhozó
8. A Tavasz Dala
9. Szondi Két Aprédja-II Rész

Very good album of folk metal!
Recomended tracks: Búcsúzó, Táltosének and Néma Harangok